3 Things You Should Communicate In Your Job Interview
Interview Resources
Let’s be honest – the majority of us don’t enjoy job interviews. Even those who are confident talking one-on-one with people can get nervous – though we believe that much of the nerves can be overcome by taking the time to do some simple preparation. Swatting up on your potential employer and the industry they operate in, as well as preparing some useful snippets of information which show you in a good light will make you feel prepared and help avoid any awkward situations.
In previous blogs we have looked at preparing for job interviews in great detail, but we wanted to give you advice on the sort of things it is essential to communicate in an interview. We know that a job interview will tend to go one of two ways – either you freeze and don’t know what to say, or you can talk forever and drown the interviewer in your life story. By focussing on these three key areas, you will showcase what you have to offer and why you are the most suited candidate for the job.
Show You Have an Understanding of the Company You Are Applying To
Your potential employer will want to see that you genuinely wish to work for their company. For them, there is nothing worse than a candidate who turns up to an interview without an understanding of the company and what it does. It therefore pays to take a few moments to research the company’s history, its future plans and even the industry in which it operates.
Demonstrate Relevant Skills, Training and Experience
The interviewer wants to know why you are the ideal candidate for the job. They will have briefly looked through your CV, but you should use the interview as an opportunity to reinforce your unique selling points. Before attending the interview, look back over the job specification and identify what skills, training or experience are relevant to the role.
Showcase Examples of Previous Success
It is likely that several candidates will have been interviewed for the role you are applying and many will share similar qualifications. You need to make yourself stand out from the crowd by demonstrating examples of success from your previous roles. If you are applying for a management role, demonstrate times when you have successfully led a team. If you are applying for a sales role, demonstrate where you have exceeded targets or won contracts for your previous employer.
For more useful tips and advice, why not head over to our candidate resources section. There you will find more blogs to help you prepare for your next job interview and produce a knockout CV.