A Guide to Finding the Right Recruitment Agency
Career Resources
Knowing how to approach searching for a new job can be difficult. It may be that you choose to carry out the search yourself, or alternatively rely on the services of a recruitment agency to find a role that it best suited to you. At People with Energy we are committed to helping our candidates take the next step in their career and continually aim to partner them with employers who are at the forefront of their industry.
Whether it is with ourselves or with another recruitment agency, there are a few pieces of advice that we believe will help you on your way and improve your chances of a successful job search.
Arrange Meetings with Your Chosen Agencies
Chances are you will have had a good look around online to find out what agencies there are in your local area. Many of them will allow you to sign up and submit your CV via their website. However, we would always recommend that you take the time to visit their office and register your details face to face. This gives you an opportunity to discuss what you are looking for face-to-face with a recruiter, and in much more depth than you could do by applying online.
Try to Provide as Much Information as Possible
Before registering with any agency, you should always have in mind exactly what it is you are looking for. For example – what salary are you prepared to accept? How far are you prepared to commute for the right opportunity? Are there multiple roles that you would be willing to work in? The more information your recruiter has to work with, the easier it is for them to identify the opportunities that are most suited to you.
But Most of All…Be Proactive!
So many people believe that, having registered with a recruitment agency, they can simply sit back and wait for the opportunities to roll in. Whilst a good recruiter will always keep you in mind should the right role arise, the most successful candidates are those that are proactive. Keep in touch with your recruiter on a regular basis (once or twice a week) to let them know that you are still actively looking for work, or to let them know if there has been a change in your situation.
From the energy industry to sales and marketing, we have experience of placing candidates in roles with employers both in the UK and around the world. To see what we can do for you, please send a copy of your CV to cvs@peoplewithenergy.co.uk and one of our consultants will be in touch.